Match 1World Tag Team ChampionshipKane & Big Show (c) vs. Chris Masters & CarlitoSheriffs Prediction: Chris Masters & Carlito winCorrect?: No. Kane & Big Show win.The Finish: Show picked up Carlito by the throat but Masters hit a chop block from behind. Kane grabbed both men by the throat but they fought him off. Kane nailed a big boot to Masters and then an uppercut to Carlito and went for the chokeslam but Masters came in off the top, however he nailed Carlito by mistake. Kane sent Masters to the outside and then gave Carlito the chokeslam for the win.Sheriffs Verdict: An average bout, definitely passable but never anything to bring the house down. However, with the Spirit Squad winning the titles the night after on Raw, well, that was just ridiculous.Match 2Money In The Bank Ladder MatchBobby Lashley vs. Finlay vs. Matt Hardy vs.Shelton Benjamin vs. Ric Flair vs. Rob Van DamSheriffs Prediction: Lashley winCorrect?: No. RVD winThe Finish: ECW chants filled the arena as Van Dam started to climb and he has a hand on the case but then Benjamin came from nowhere and landed right on the ladder! Benjamin nailed right hands and then Hardy set up a ladder next to it and started to climb but Benjamin nailed him and went over to that ladder and they traded shots, but RVD tipped it and both toppled to the outside! RVD is on top of the ladder and grabbed the case.Sheriffs Verdict: Thoroughly enjoyable, no doubt all the wrestlers were sore after that. The second best bout of the evening. All four commentators were on as well, and to be fair did a good job.Match 3United States Championship MatchBradshaw Layfield vs. Chris Benoit (c)Sheriffs Prediction: JBL winCorrect?: Yes.The Finish: Benoit covered but Bradshaw kicked up at two. Benoit missed a splash in the corner and went for a German but Bradshaw grabbed the referee to block it. Benoit then walked into a back elbow and Bradshaw went for the Clothesline from Hell but Benoit side stepped and went for the Crossface. He got it locked in and Bradshaw rolled it over and grabbed the ropes and the referee counted the pin.Sheriffs Verdict: Again, passable. This was mainly due to Benoit, who never really has poor matches. I think JBL may have a good run with the belt, as I predicted in the preview. From a pure entertainment point of view that would no doubt be a good thing, though from a wrestling point of view, not so much.Match 4Hardcore MatchMick Foley vs. EdgeSheriffs Prediction: Edge win.Correct?: Yes.The Finish: Foley wrenched barbwire across the forehead of Edge, and then he grabbed the lighter fluid and went over to the table that was set up earlier. Foley covered it in fluid and then Lita came from nowhere and hit Foley in the knee with the barbwire bat! Lita covered the table in fluid and then set it alight and then Edge spears Foley off the apron through the flaming table! Holy s**t! Edge crawled over and covered for the win!Sheriffs Verdict: Best match of the night. Absolutely superb, and, much like the Randy Orton match at Backlash 2004, Foley did a real good job of making the younger man look a star. Not that Edge does not deserve credit, because he really does. Both men put a lot into this and certainly - in my opinion - stole the show. In addition, Joey Styles replaced JR for this one and did a good job, it was nice that he got to be involved.Match 5Handicap MatchBooker T and Sharmell vs. The BoogeymanSheriffs Prediction: The Boogeyman win.Correct?: Yes.The Finish: Boogey sent Booker shoulder first into the ring posts and then pulled a handful of worms from his pocket and ate them. Sharmell grabbed Boogey’s stick and went to hit her, but he kissed her with the worms! Sharmell freaked out and ran to the back and then Booker missed a splash in the corner and got hit with a double choke slam and covered for the win.Sheriffs Verdict: You would feel sorry for anyone having to follow that, and this was never going to be anything anyway. Booker was injured so they kept it short, sweet & simple. Very average, and definitely forgettable.Match 6Women’s Championship MatchMickie James vs. Trish Stratus (c)Sheriffs Prediction: Mickie James winCorrect?: YesThe Finish: Mickie went for a single leg but Trish countered into a small cradle for two. Mickie went for a headscissors in the corner but Trish came back with a running powerbomb for two! Trish nailed right hands and then did the MaTrish to miss a clothesline and then went for the Stratusfaction but Mickie then licked Trish in the lower areas and freaked Trish out. Mickie then went for Stratusfaction but botched it and nailed Trish with a Mick Kick and covered for the win!Sheriffs Verdict: Just like at New Years Revolution, definitely enjoyed it. These two only have Victoria to challenge for title of 'best women wrestler'. Shame about the messy finish, but a decent match overall.Match 7Casket MatchMark Henry vs. The UndertakerSheriffs Prediction: Undertaker winCorrect?: YesThe Finish: Taker nailed right hands and then a headbutt but Henry came back with a clothesline. Henry worked over Taker in the corner and then went for some mounted punches but then Taker dropped him with a powerbomb! Taker threw Henry on top of the casket and then dived over the top rope and over the casket onto Henry on the outside! Taker sent Henry back into the ring and picked him up for the Tombstone and he nailed it! They opened the casket and Henry was rolled into the casket and the lid was shut.Sheriffs Verdict: Average. Not a terrible match but it will not go down as one of my favourites, that's for certain!Match 8No Holds BarredMr. McMahon vs. Shawn MichaelsSheriffs Prediction: Shawn Michaels winCorrect?: YesThe Finish: Shawn landed a huge elbow drop to Vince from a 30 foot ladder, on to a table, with Vince inside a trash can! Trainers made their way to ringside and Michaels made his way to his feet. Michaels threw the ladder to the outside and we wouldn’t let the doctor in the ring. Michaels did the DX chop to Shane McMahon and then spat on him! Michaels pulled McMahon up and got right in his face and told him he’s going to knock his teeth down his throat, and did just that with Sweet Chin Music for the pin.Sheriffs Verdict: Good match, enjoyed it. First time since his return that HBK has not been involved in the best match at Mania, but it was probably the 3rd best effort of the PPV and one that he sure as hell can be proud of, especially when you bear in mind that, even though he is in good shape, Vince is 60!Match 9World Heavyweight Championship MatchTriple Threat MatchRey Mysterio vs. Randy Orton vs. Kurt Angle (c)Sheriffs Prediction: Randy Orton winCorrect? No. Rey Mysterio winThe Finish: Rey nailed a 619 around the ring post on Angle and then a seated senton and a roll up for two on Angle. Orton got back up and kicked Angle to the outside and then hit a gutwrench into a neckbreaker for two. Orton stalked Mysterio but then Angle came from behind with the Angle Slam for two. Angle stalked Rey and went for the Angle Slam but Rey reversed into an arm drag sending Angle outside and then hit the 619 on Orton. Rey hit the West Coast Pop on Orton and won the match.Sheriffs Verdict: Well fair play to Our Kid, he got this one right. The match was not bad, the action was good but the problem was that it was cut down to roughly ten minutes, when it could have easily been at least double that. Rey Mysterio as heavyweight champion though? Not particulalry believeable, and while this may be harsh, it probably would not have happened had it not been for the death of Eddie Guerrero. Still, he always has good matches, which is more than what can be said for the champion on the other show...Match 10Playboy Pillow FightCandice Michelle vs. Torrie WilsonSheriffs Prediction: Torrie Wilson winCorrect? Yes: The Finish: Candice choked Torrie with her legs upside down over the ropes and then did the Go Daddy dance. Candice snapmared Torrie onto the bed as the fans chanted boring. Candice came off the ropes onto Torrie on the bed and then pulled some scissors out of a purse and cut off Torrie’s dress. Candice went under the bed and pulled out her Playboy and then sent Torrie to the corner but Torrie moved and rolled up Candice for the win.Sheriffs Verdict: While they are nice to look at, the fans were correct with their chanting. Also, did not see much use of pillow, bearing in mind it was supposed to be a pillow fight!Match 11WWE Championship MatchTriple H vs. John Cena (c)Sheriffs Prediction: Triple H winCorrect?: Sadly, no. John Cena winThe Finish: Triple H went for the Pedigree but Cena back dropped out of it. Cena went for the FU and he nailed it. But Triple H kicked out. Cena went up top for a cross body but Triple H ducked and then went for the Pedigree but Cena stepped through and locked in the STFU again. Triple H screamed in pain and he’s close the to the ropes and he looks to have passed out. The referee checked his arm but he says alive on the third check but then he had no choice but to tap out.Sheriffs Verdict: *sighs* Well, I am not a fan of John Cena these days, I must say. The beginning was a waste of time (had that not gone on so long I am sure the Smackdown main event could have been longer) and overall, while it was certainly not an awful match, it was hardly something I will be remembering for years to come. The Sheriffs Overall Analysis
Three excellent matches, a couple of good ones and the rest were average. It was certainly not a let-down, and in terms of the roster, I do not suppose they could have come out with much more. That said, I would rather have seen MNM defend the tag belts against someone than see the Boogeyman or a Playboy Pillow Fight. A cruiserweight title match would also have been better.
It was great to have JR on commentary (and to NOT have the Coach!) as he really does have that main event feel to him, but it is hard not to feel some sympathy for Joey Styles. One person I have run out of sympathy for however is Bret Hart, who's refusal to turn up at Wrestlemania was absolutely ridiculous.
As for myself, I got 7 out of 11 predictions right, which I think was pretty darn respectable!
Other News
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