Friday, November 24, 2006

My All-Time Top Three...

WWE Wrestlers

1) Stone Cold Steve Austin
2) The Rock
3) Kurt Angle

Non-WWE Wrestlers

1) AJ Styles
2) Samoa Joe
3) Christopher Daniels

Pay-Per Views

1) Wrestlemania X-Seven (2001)
2) SummerSlam 2002
3) One Night Stand 2005


1) Stone Cold Steve Austin vs The Rock (Wrestlemania 17 - 2001)
2) Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels (Wrestlemania 21 - 2005)
3) Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit (Royal Rumble 2003)

Wrestlers Who Have Passed On (That are not Eddie Guerrero, that is TOO obvious)

1) 'British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith
2) 'Ravishing' Rick Rude
3) 'Mr Perfect' Curt Henning

Wrestling DVD's

1) The Self-Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior
2) 'Cause Stone Cold Said So
3) Wrestling With Shadows

WCW Matches I Haven't Seen, But Wish I Had

1) Goldberg vs Scott Steiner (Fall Brawl, 2000)
2) Goldberg vs Hulk Hogan (Nitro, 1998)
3) Bret Hart vs Chris Benoit (Nitro, 1999)

As Above, But Not WCW!

1) Shawn Michaels vs Davey Boy Smith (WWF One Night Only, 1997)
2) Samoa Joe vs CM Punk (ROH, Oct 2004)
3) Terry Funk vs Sabu vs Shane Douglas (ECW, Feb 1994)


1) Trish Stratus
2) Stacy Kiebler
3) Christy Hemme

Tag Teams

1) The Hart Foundation
2) The Legion of Doom
3) Edge and Christian


1) Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan
2) Jesse 'The Body' Ventura
3) Jim Ross

Commentary Catchphrases

1) "Oh, my God!" (Joey Styles)
2) "The irresistible force meets the immovable object" (Gorilla Monsoon)
3) "You could cut the electricity with a knife!" (Gorilla Monsoon)

Wrestler Catchphrases

1) "If you smell what The Rock is cooking" (The Rock)
2) "And that's the bottom line, 'cause Stone Cold so" (Steve Austin)
3) "What'cha gonna do when Hulkamania runs wild on you?" (Hulk Hogan)

Wrestlers On The Mic

1) The Rock
2) Stone Cold Steve Austin
3) Mick Foley

Non-Wrestlers On The Mic

1) Paul Heyman
2) Vince McMahon
3) Eric Bischoff

Most Memorable Moments

1) Stone Cold and The Rock singing
2) Hulk Hogan and The Rock in the ring for the first time
3) The 'censored' footage of Jake 'The Snake' Roberts digging Damiens teeth into 'The Macho Man' Randy Savage - thanks for the nightmares!



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